Dear users.
PlayCoin has gone through the rebranding as PlayCoin Crypto Alliance to integrate with blockchain partners.
Current PlayCoin will be changed to PlayX (PlayCoin Crypto Alliance) and the swap will be automatically processed by Bithumb at the rate of 1:1.
PLY to PLX Swap Schedule and Method at Bithumb
Swap Schedule
PLY snapshot in the morning of the day of swap, and between 6pm to 7pm on the same day, with PLX listing, the 1:1 PLY to PLX swap will be complete
Service interruption schedule of PLY coin
- Deposit & withdrawal : 2020.03.05 (Thu) 15:00 (KST)
- Trading : 2020.03.10 (Tue) 11:00 (KST) (scheduled)
Snapshot Time
Mar 10th 2020, 12pm (KST, After PLY’s delisting)